Business Consulting
H.E.N. provides business consulting services for technology products, marketing strategies, innovation, sustainable development, maximization of customer’s value, etc. Current partners of H.E.N. include industries of automotive retail, catering and electronics.
H.E.N’s business consulting projects focus on maximizing the customer’s value, especially the customer lifetime value (CLV).CLVrefers to the discounted value of all profits that the customer contributes to the enterprise during the collaboration. The CLV theory believes that a customer’s value includes not only its past and present value but also its future value, not only direct economic value from the transaction but also the non-economic value. This includes, for example, the word-of-mouth publicity effect from good interaction between enterprises and customers, cross-selling, and employee satisfaction.
Consulting in this direction fits in with the existing capabilities and expertise of H.E.N. It also has great potential in becoming an important part of the institutional business model. The total income of these consulting projects will be used to support the researching, screening and fulfilling of enlightened needs that contribute to the ideal future.